Demi Lovato Recalls Spending New Year’s Eve in Rehab

It is hard to believe that just two years ago, singer Demi Lovato was spending New Year’s Eve in rehab.

Like many, Lovato could not wait to usher in 2013 and took the opportunity to look back on the past few years of her life.

“NYE is about celebrating the past year and the year to come,” Lovato wrote on her Twitter account.

“So crazy to look back and reflect on how much has changed this last year,” Lovato said opening up to her fans.

“Two years ago, I watched the ball drop on TV in rehab and cried my eyes out,” she wrote.

“Recovery is a beautiful thing.”

Since undergoing treatment in November 2010 for bulimia and cutting, the star has been honest about her recovery process.

Lovato has said that rehab was “probably the darkest time in my life.”

On the one year anniversary of her stint in rehab, Lovato returned to the facility where she received treatment to give an inspirational message to other women fighting with their own personal demons. [Fox]