Incoming Puerto Rican Governor Names Economic Team

Alejandro Garcia Padilla introduced on Thursday the people who will hold the key economic posts in his administration after he is sworn-in Jan. 2 as governor of Puerto Rico.

Alberto Baco Bague, a lawyer and former CEO of Marvel International and Bohio International, is to be secretary of Economic Development and Trade.

The incoming governor also announced his choices to head several state-owned companies that play important roles in economic policy.

Antonio Medina, whose previous positions include CFO of the Brazil subsidiary of pharmaceutical giant Merck, will take charge at the Economic Development Company.

The Puerto Rico Tourism Company is to be run by Ingrid Rivera Rocafort, erstwhile chief of investor relations at Advent-Morro Equity Partners.

Another attorney, Francisco Chevere, will serve as director of the Trade and Export Company, Garcia Padilla said.

The economic team’s main challenge will be trying to spur job creation amid continuing high unemployment and the lowest workforce participation rate in Puerto Rico’s history, the governor-elect said. [Fox]