Judge Sotomayor Appears on Sesame Street to Urge Girls to Aim High

Justice Sonia Sotomayor is letting girls around the world know that hey can do whatever they set their minds on — and that there is more to life than looking pretty.

Over the weekend, the U.S. Supreme Court Justice from the Bronx paid a visit to the popular kids show “Sesame Street,” and spoke to Abbey Cadabby about what it means to have a career and even convinced Abbey Cadabby to aspire to be more than “a princess.”

“A career is a job that you train for and prepare for and plan on doing for a long time,” Sotomayor says in the clip.

Abbey Cadabby then tells Sotomayor that she plans to be “a princess” as a career, just to have the judge advise her otherwise.

“Abbey, pretending to be a princess is fun,” Sotomayor explains. “But, it is definitely not a career.”

“You can go to school and train to be a teacher, a lawyer, a doctor an engineer and even a scientist,”adds Sotomayor.

Sotomayor’s guest appearance on “Sesame Street” comes just as the Disney Channel welcomed its first Latina princess to the House of Mouse last month.

Princess Sofia will make her grand debut on the Disney Channel Nov.18th in the TV movie, “Sofia the First: Once Upon a Princess,” followed by a 2013 TV series on both Disney  Channel and Disney Junior.

The judge has such an impact on Abbey Cadabby that the purple-colored Muppet decided she wants to be a Supreme Court justice like Sotomayor.

“You’re right. I guess being a princess isn’t really a job,” Abbey tells Sotomayor, who then tells the Muppet she thinks she will “make a great, great judge.” [Fox]