Marcc Anthony

Marc Anthony, Marco Rubio and Eva Longoria Add star power to final presidential campaign efforts

Marcc AnthonySinger Marc Anthony, political darling Marco Rubio and actress Eva Longoria added some serious star power to last-minute presidential campaign efforts, taking the road to campaign just days before the presidential election on Nov. 6.

Marc Anthony joined the First Lady Michelle Obama at political rallies in Daytona Beach and Miami, Florida on Thursday, delivering opening remarks and introducing her excited audiences.

Anthony, 44, supported Obama’s presidential campaign in 2008. He has been heavily involved with the Obama’s reelection campaign, having performed at several high-profile rally events this year.

And U.S. Senator Marco Rubio brought the Latino star power for Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney, rousing rally attendees at a jam-packed event at the University of Miami’s Coral Gables campus on Wednesday. He started off his speech in Spanish before shifting to English and addressing Latino voters.

“We are less than six days away from not just changing who’s in charge in the White House, but changing the type of future that awaits us,” said Rubio. “Because there is no reason why, if we do the right thing, at this time in our history, our children and grandchildren cannot be the most prosperous Americans that have ever lived.”

Florida is a key battleground state in the presidential election with total of 29 electoral votes. With the Latino vote in Florida expected to account to close to 20 percent of votes, both Republican and Democratic presidential campaigns have invested time and funds targeting the Hispanic voters.

The Obama presidential re-election campaign also enlisted the help of Latina celebrity Eva Longoria, who gave a passionate speech at a grass roots campaign rally in Las Vegas Thursday. Longoria, who is a national campaign co-chair for the Obama campaign, touched on topics ranging from health care to the importance of the women’s vote. Citing her personal college experience, she also spoke about the importance of education and loan relief to young voters.

“I left school with a lot of debt,” said Longoria. “But I left with my degree …And now that Obama has doubled the Pell Grant system, we have more and more investment in our educational future.”

With less than a week to go until the presidential election, one thing is clear when it comes to the battle for the Latino vote: the stars are out and doing their part.