Wow! Seeing the Cuban flag being lifted at the Cuban embassy in Washington, D.C., for the first time in 54 years, is an incredible sight to behold. On Monday July 20, a Cuban flag was raised in the lobby of the State Department in Washington and then at the inauguration of the Cuban embassy.
Even though this historic move between the U.S. and Cuba shows a gigantic leap forward, there’s still much to overcome, including an end to 53-year-old embargo placed on the island nation, which has not happened yet.
And while Cuba works to establish its office in D.C., the U.S. will hoist its flag on Cuban soil on August 14.
As we wait for relations to continue to improve, check out this now historical clip. We promise we won’t quiz you on it later.
If you like this video, you’ll also like: “Conan O’Brien Makes History In Cuba.”
By Jacqueline Colette Prosper [FLAMA]